Notes From the World
Notes From the World
Episode 5: “When we’re talking about Dodik, we’re talking about Vučić”

Episode 5: “When we’re talking about Dodik, we’re talking about Vučić”

A Discussion About the Balkans with Jasmin Mujanović

Jasmin Muyanović is a political scientist and policy specialist focusing on southeastern Europe. Born in Sarajevo, he is currently a Senior Non-Resident Fellow at the Newlines Institute, a member of the Advisory Council of the Nationhood Lab at Salve Regina University's Pell Center for International Relations and an Advisory Board member of the Kulin Initiative, which focuses on political, economic and social policies in Bosnia & Herzegovina. He is the author of two books, Hunger and Fury: The Crisis of Democracy in the Balkans (Hurst Publishers and Oxford University Press, 2018) and The Bosniaks: Nationhood after Genocide (Hurst Publishers & Oxford University Press, 2023). He spoke to Notes from the World about the tangled history of the former Yugoslavia and what the future may hold for the region.

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Notes From the World
Notes From the World
Politics, culture, society and, always, cats and dogs. "Entre nous et le ciel, l'enfer ou le néant, il n'y a donc que la vie, qui est la chose du monde la plus fragile."