Notes From the World
Notes From the World
Episode 4: “Petro is trying to bring us to a point of no return”

Episode 4: “Petro is trying to bring us to a point of no return”

An interview with Sergio Guzmán of Colombia Risk Analysis

In this week's episode of the Notes from the World podcast, I speak to Sergio Guzmán, the director and co-founder of Colombia Risk Analysis, which provides commercial, security and political risk analysis for the Andean Region. As we approach the two year mark of his time in office, we examine the presidency of Colombia’s Gustavo Petro, looking at its struggles with Congress, its environmental ambitions, healthcare reform, Colombia’s security situation, and the government’s negotiations with the Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN) guerrilla insurgency, among other issues. We also look at where Colombia may be heading in the coming months. This interview was recorded on 29 May 2024.

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Notes From the World
Notes From the World
Politics, culture, society and, always, cats and dogs. "Entre nous et le ciel, l'enfer ou le néant, il n'y a donc que la vie, qui est la chose du monde la plus fragile."