Notes From the World
Notes From the World
Episode 7: A Conversation with Michael Pierse

Episode 7: A Conversation with Michael Pierse

For this week's episode of Notes from the World, I spoke with Michael Pierse, a Senior Lecturer at Queens University Belfast and author of Writing Ireland's Working Class: Dublin After O'Casey and editor of A History of Irish Working-Class Writing, about post-Brexit Northern Ireland, the recent far-right agitation there, the global actors helping to stir it & the possible political trajectory on both sides of the border. Go raibh maith agat, Michael.

[Note: I had some challenges splicing the twio dialogue streams together this time, but I did my highly-inexpert best and hope it won't distract from the discussion too much.]

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Notes From the World
Notes From the World
Politics, culture, society and, always, cats and dogs. "Entre nous et le ciel, l'enfer ou le néant, il n'y a donc que la vie, qui est la chose du monde la plus fragile."